Ficha de Bering Sea Gold
“Bering Sea Gold” is the latest reality show series offered from the Discovery Channel. This newest venue has the risk of “Deadliest Catch” and the possible rags to riches story found on “Gold Rush Alaska.” It offers the best of both in the real-life world of the gold miners of the Bering Sea, according to Media Life. Discovery Channel adds this show to it\'s already popular Friday night line-up.\r\n\r\nInstead of mining for gold on a mundane hillside like “Gold Rush,” these guys go under the frigid Bering Sea for their precious metal mining. Instead of just catching crabs, which are lucrative but not millionaire making, like “Deadliest Catch,” this new crew rides out the unforgiving waters with visions of getting filthy rich.”\r\n\r\n“Bering Sea Gold” is really offering the best of the excitement from both shows and doing away with the mundane factors that come along with the shows already on the air. The previews show enough accidents to prove the dangers are there and the amount of gold seen in their pans at the end of the day proves that the riches of gold are also within reach.